Olafur Thordarson

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"Ólafur notar nú Facebook á Íslenska."

Lækjarhvammur (Facebook) er með nefnifallssýki. Eins og aðrir tungumálavírusar mun sýkin með tíð og tíma breiðast út. Fyrst mun þessi notkun teljast fyndin, fólk hermir eftir nefnifallsnotkun og svo venst það og mun naga skarð í íslenskuna. Fallbeyging gæti orðið óþörf, jafnvel ókúl að margra mati og talist til fornaldarmáls.

Sjáið til!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Apple Tiger.
Apple Mountain Tiger.
Apple Leopard.
Apple Lion.
Apple Mountain Lion.
What's next? Apple Pussy?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Reykjavík, 11:37 25. Júlí, 2012.

Aldreilis: "Það er nú aldreilis."

Sbr. Það verður nú ekkert úr þessu hjá þér.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Financial advice

The worst of all financial advice comes from financial advisors themselves, on TV.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Birthday and Facebook.

If you were born on this day a long time ago, and you are not on Facebook and no Facebook announcement goes out to say its your birthday, is it then really your birthday today?


Jealousy is a handicap.

Tech hazards

In 80 years, will we all be made aware of the hazards of WiFi and other electric currents from electronic equipment.

And the psychological changes that occur with addictions to small portable devices will be considered deeper and more disturbing than the desktop addictions.

Desktop? What's that?

Monday, January 09, 2012

Swell í Reykjavík.

Eins og brúsapallar, þá hafa saltkistur horfið inn í móðu sögunnar. Bráðum verða það frímerki og snúrusímar.

Lífið verður sleipara, sérlega þegar við tekur ný kynslóð. Eða ef maðurinn sem á að sjá um hlutina hættir að láta sjá sig.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

One World Trade Center at 1368 feet

In our neighborhood they are building the One World Trade Center. The spire will reach a height of 1776 feet. An obvious historic reference. What is also obvious is that the roof of the building is at 1368 feet. That is the year of great importance when King Hakon 6th of Norway sent his last expedition to the Eastern Settlement of Greenland. It is not obvious what happened next, as history often is veiled in fog.